Kairali Night – 12 Sep

Our popular Kairali night is back !. Its been a while since we got together, shared a laugh, watched our talented members perform, and savoured some mouth-watering delicacies together. We are excited to announce the next Kairali night on 12th September at Rostrata Family Centre. We have deferred the launch of Chethana magazine to a later date as the publishing work is still…

Kairali 25 Shortfilm -‘Piranaal Ashamsakal’ Premiere -19th September 2020

It’s with great pleasure that we announce the exclusive Kairali members-only Premiere for the much-awaited Kairali 25 short film-‘Piranaal Ashamsakal’ on 19th September 2020. The date had to be changed from the earlier planned date of 05 September due to the venue change and availability. The event will be held at the Palace Cinemas; Raine Square as an exclusive private screening event…

CovidSafe App

The CovidSafe app is now launched by the Australiangovernment. We recommend that all our members downloadand install the app, not only for our personal safety, but alsobecause it is the right thing to do as responsible members of thecommunity. Remember also that relaxation of restrictions will bedependent on sufficient number installing the app. You may…

Rangam 2020 postponement

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19, we’ve made the difficult decision to postpone Rangam 2020, scheduled on 28 March 2020. As a responsible community organisation, we need to prioritise the health and safety of all our attendees, volunteers and the artist Mr. Manjulan himself. This decision was made by the Kairali Committee in consultation with its members and…

Expressions of Interest for Rangam 2020

Kairali Cultural Committee is seeking expressions of interest from talented actors to participate in Rangam 2020, the upcoming theatre event of Kairali. The event gives you an opportunity to be part of a play directed by the renowned theatre artist Manjulan. The expressions of interest are specifically sought from artists in the following age groups…